Published by:
Westpreußisches Landesmuseum
Klosterstraße 21
48231 Warendorf
phone: +49(0)2581 92 777-0
fax: +49(0)2581 92 777-14
Responsible for the content of this webpage:
The administration of Westpreußisches Landesmuseum
Copyright information:
Texts: Alexander Kleinschrodt M.A. and Prof. Dr. Erik Fischer
André Auer (Luftbild “Das Franziskaner Kloster Warendorf”aerial photo “The Franciscan monastery in Warendorf“)
Tilman Asmus Fischer (Danzig und Elbing “‘Westpreußen’ heute”Gdansk and Elbląg, “West Prussia“ today)
All other images were supplied by Westpreußischen Landesmuseum.
Disposition of this web presence: Prof. Dr. Erik Fischer